
Monday 28 April 2014

Seeds of Success

Success is happiness may not be always true but happiness is always success, remember that. There will always be advices, tips, and techniques to a happy and successful life but until you apply and live your life with those principles, everything is a waste. So don’t just read but feel the stuff in your context of life.

Everything that happens to us is because we let it happen. Until we think every problem as our own, we will only mess it further. So try to believe and inculcate a habit that everything that you go through in life is a result of what you sow. Sow good things and reap better things.

Some seeds follows.

1. Place yourself in a good environment or if you can’t do so, create a good, happy to live environment. This enhances the way you think, and the way you think is in direct relation with what you are. It’ll help you prosper, be at peace and will keep you inspiring for more successful things.

2. Work on yourself and it’ll reap you more things than wasting your precious limited time. More than changing the people around you try to change yourself. Hone your character so well that situation has little effect on it. Imbibe new values through what you do see, hear and do. Know what is good and what is bad, you’ll know it through experience and it comes from choosing the wrong things and the results that come along. Be gentle enough to know what you wronged, and being true to yourself it is easy. Have your character build up so strong that when there is a prompt demand of any situation to make a decision, you make a right one.

3. Problems are the biggest opportunities and it indeed is. When you sense a problem, be happy for you have got an opportunity to grow and learn. Much above, you’ll experience something new that’ll teach you great things. These times shall test your character, and if you do possess a good one, you’ll be the one shouting eureka. And unfortunately if you don’t, you have the next moment and the whole life to improve only if you are willing to keep going.

4. Read good literature, self-helps, even fiction helps a good deal in shaping how you think. Invest in knowledge and it’ll be the best investment you’d ever make. Reading lets you think thoughts with new dimensions, it presents you with a world of ideas that can strike an inspiration any possible time, and most importantly it helps you keep your mouth shut.

5. Build fantastic relations with everyone you get along. They say true, life is short. Be kind in your intentions and innocent in your thoughts. Speak nice words that serve to harm no one. Lend them your ears to listen through what they have to say more than you rant about your own adventures. Be mutual and be kinder than you are expected to be. Don’t depend emotionally on anyone because we don’t really know what life has for us. But trust the people you know you should. Love them, respect them and treat them nice, after all you need people to speak good things at your funeral.

6. Visualize the things you are supposed to do next or are preparing for and you’ll be not new to something you are little aware about. Visualization is neglected the most by everyone, because you don’t see any materialistic thing happening through it but ask someone or yourself who had been successful and they’ll tell you visualization as one of the most important aspects of success. Visualize yourself in the midst of any circumstance and imagine how you would tackle or go through it, this will make sure your courage remains intact at the right time. And be adaptive to changes and sporty enough to be surprised on your way because life would bore you if you knew what came next.

7. Initiate what you think would be a good idea, a good project, a good book or a good song. Initiating will inspire you to do more, to complete what you wish and will give an initial impetus for what you desire. Take the first step, start walking and the path will create itself. You’ll be exposed to more things, you’ll see yourself improve and you’ll know the difference for having initiated walking a path.

8. Do the things you wish you could. Don’t stall it for the next week, day, hour or minute and if you do so feel happy to have it undone forever. This is through sheer experience and knowledge that doing things now has a difference, and a big one. It is indeed difficult in practice but such is success. Every valuable thing lies there within thorns.

9. Respect the people better than you, either in your field or in some other. Being envious to them or hating them will affect your own judgement, your choices and will lead to wrong decision making based on what you think about them rather than what you think about yourself and your own work. Run your own race and be happy for other people because they inspire you, because they are doing a splendid job, and you too will.

10. Expect failures along the way you work. There’ll be punches breaking your nose and kicks breaking bones and that’s where you would need some patience and focus to keep going. Persevere for what you think is being successful. Only the weakest souls quit.

11. Detach yourself from results and this is the finest advice on being focused enough while you work and getting lesser disappointed the next time you experience something. Whatever bad things happen you call it experience and whatever good things happen you call it success. As soon as you finish up your work, feel happy because you did what you set out to do and just getting the right amount of time to rejuvenate yourself, throw yourself on a new adventure and enjoy the tread. You’ll rightly know if you did your best or need to improve if you are honest to yourself, so why care for the outcome.

12. Motivate yourself or it gets all boring. Know who your people or the people that inspire you are and read their biographies, watch them giving speeches, watch them live happy. Reading impacts greatly in motivating you, read inspiring stuff and write inspiring things if you wish to.

13. Believe if not in God, than in yourself, in some mighty universal force that would help you, support you, and be with you in your good as well as bad times. Pray for things to happen and then work for it, you’ll get it. And if you don’t, you’ll learn something much valuable than you would have in succeeding.

14. It’s Okay if you don’t make it. Just laugh at yourself and start anew. 

Posted by Aditya

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